![]() I, Joey, born in S'pore under the sign of sagittaurus,baby of november 23rd,16 years old Tagboard
April 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 December 2009
alfred Amanda Ameline careen daniel Farhan Gen Hasanah Jeanette kelvin nadhirah nicholas Rachel renny stephanie sufyan syafiq vera veronice wen long Yu Qing Zhaoya zong hong Zili Farhan center> |
Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 3:12 AM
WEE!!! i am back after running away from my cca. TOday is like so slack cos during geog i talk with qing thn of cos gt listen to mdm ho she was like also joking with us while jy and wq are writing de ans on de board and they are like taking so long it feels like it is de nxt morning after they finish writing haiyo...I don quite know bout de "what so serious thing" maybe is i didnt hear properly when they started this phrase or wadever.I was like quite pissed off when during math lesson while doing the revision ex 4A de person sitting beside me i don wish to name him and de person who is sitting infront of me keep looking at my paper, whenever i finish writing something they will stick their head to my paper and see wad i wrote ah!!! so irritating can! this is not de first time and you can say tt i am selfish to not let them see my paper but i think tt if they donnoe can ask me wad no need to keep copying at my paper and you know if we are caught copying teacher will tear the paper away and i have already tried it once i don wish to repeat again. So BETTER STOP COPYING MY WORK THIS IS MY EFFORT. "calm down" PHEW! Something funny happen today during Dnt we tried to test whether ricky is really "retarded", so we ask him DO RE MI FA SO LA after LA is wad. Do you know wad he says he say RAY?! LOL! we were like WTH?! he don even know. we tried again we ask him do you know alphabets so i ask him ABCD after D is wad he says E and tts fine so i ask again after M is? he sang de ABC song out funny. SO after tt i ask him again do u know how to spell your own name he say HOW?! and thn he said OH yaya i know we all were like laughing so loudly cos he don even know how to spell his own name. we also concluded tt ricky is a retarded haha... TV time write de next time byebye »
Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 2:12 AM
Hello! i am back today is like early in the morning our literature student went to the AVA room and mrs tang talk about VALUES!? she talk for about half an hour although i am an Amath student but i think is stupid la cos mrs tang did not even talk bout the incident where the lit students lock their teacher out of the AVA room. We knew this incident only ytd during assembly when our class was asked to stay back after assembly and miss tan asked about this incident. The Amath student were like all innocent so we kept quiet through out, miss tan was kind enuf to say tt if the culprit was to admit that he/she has done it will not get punished. But noone admitted so miss tan has no choice she said tt if noone admit we will all be punished so alot of ppl start to mumble de name of the guy. Thn miss lau overheard it and hinted elin to tell miss tan but she don dare to cos all of us know this person and is also our fren so we kept quiet till miss tan told us tt she knew who did this. so she ask the culprit to stand up and he was still acting as if tt he did not do it. SO miss tan ask for witnesses and my fren whom was also very close to this culprit told miss tan wad he has done. The weird thing is she told miss tan wad he did and thn she felt guilty for the whole day as the culprit will be CANED 3 strokes. I was like WHAT!? she actually felt guilty when she says bout him and i am thinking if she feels guilty she shouldnt have said all those.Anyway this incident is already over i will wish tt my class will not make any more trouble anymore so tt those ppl who wan to learn can concentrate better. Lets go back to the top part where i said tt mrs tang talk for about half an hour. so when the lit students are in de AVA room listening to the lullaby the Amath students are outside de class having lesson with mrs gomes can u believe it the Amath student are studying outside the class cos the person who has the key gave the key to miss lau and cannot find her. we were all waiting for the key so tt we can go in. But luckily he found miss lau and we went into de class to have a proper lesson. nthing much happen after tt. Oh! de chemistry test was so hard cos i don understand the qns which was given.Haix...luckily mrs johari was not in class orelse all of us will fail. Okay i think will stop here now cos got a stupid ESSAY to pass up to my STUPID OFFICERS TML So will blog de nxt time byebye! »
Sunday, July 27, 2008, 4:51 AM
Woke up as usual LATE, watch this blog thingy but i cannot edit properly so ask help from zhaoya. She help me do de layout and etc...after tt went out to TM shopping bought a tuner for guitar finally so no need to lent from me cousin liao haha...after tt went to meet steph to take my Amath ws thn my bro came to meet us in TM he look so tired after his training in sentosa, he was stung by jellyfish but weird thing is there is no wound anyway nvrm doesnt bother me. went to wallet shop to see wallet(obvious) none of the wallet interest me so went out , walk to city chain saw levis watch wa! so nice can. but ignored the watch cos i got already go to cs to take car and ZOOM! went back home. Came home do nthing watch tv again and also learn my A math test which is tml OMG! learn for hmm...dont rmb le quite short. thn on de computer and learn guitar online cool rite?haha...learn another style of playing tear drops on my guitar intro cya guys de nxt time » 1st blog(update on thurs & fri)
Saturday, July 26, 2008, 1:06 AM
now i have finally created a new blog using another email address which i made it specially for this blog. So gonna update u de things i went through de past few days especiall on thursday and friday. So read on. OKay on thursday there is this group of china students who came to our school for a so called"emmersion" program they all speak chinese(obviously) they have really really huge chinese essence i don even know how to communicate with them as my chinese is not tt good. my buddy he talk to me with his strong chinese essence he keep telling me something but i really cannot understand wad he says so i keep saying "huh?" i was like thinking should i ignore him instead and TADA i did not really ignore him. During lunch there was one of the china student his bag looks really heavy so i was sitting on the canteen bench staring blankly suddenly i saw a stupid bag figure flying across infront of my eyes i was shocked and almost shouted a bad word but i didnt, that was the 1st scare on tt day. Later in the canteen de china student wanted to gib me present as he was shy and i am also staring blank at tt time de 2nd time happens.The china student pass me a present as if he was rushing for time he shock me wif his present as it flys pass me again. Tt was the second time i was shocked.Enough of thursday go on to friday. 25th july Let me tell u althought tt day was de last day for de china ppl to come to our school i was quite happy though.when we were playing with the pet rocket they were like so excited i think bcos they nvr seen it b4 or something. When the pet rocket take off from de tripod de students were all shouting "WOW" when i heard tt i was like...didnt they see before something which is flying? After all those thing was oral, my oral was fine i think so nt gonna talk bout oral. Talking bout my cca it makes me so angry. On tt day was our M16 practice after tt we went back to school, the officers gave us 2mins instead of 3 mins bcos 1 min was taken away as we need to take our bags from the Npcc room. We changed for 3 mins 44secs if i am not wrong we came out got scolded. Officer ask to change to full u again 2 mins. we took 2 mins 40+secs got scolded again. He asked us question we shout not loud enuf got scolded and run around netball court 2 rounds and last round is suppose to sing a song so we did after running we were punished 20 pushups ON A WET GROUND okay FINE...punish cos my squadmate gave de key to a non CI so got punished. After tt was suppose to go home officers gave 30s get out of school so we ran out of school from cca room out to de gate. all were out at de last 5 sec we were called back, officers told us tt my friend body was out of de gate but the strap of the bag was not out of de school. OKay fine... When we went back de sec 2 clapped and we were like humiliated infront of them. officers say 1 min out of school 2 rows walk so we walk as fast as we can.left 10s so we ran, finally out of school discussing sth infront school gate so we were called bac again. ran back. CIs says 20s out of school so ran again, out of school we walk away from de gate. we were called back again this time i was so fedup i scolded some words. while running back officers ignored us and signaled us to get out of the school so we ran out and under a void deck everyone was so frustrated tt whenever someone open his or her mouth will be scolded.discussed bout sth thn after tt NCOs came to disturb,CIs also came thn we went home. |