![]() I, Joey, born in S'pore under the sign of sagittaurus,baby of november 23rd,16 years old Tagboard
April 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 December 2009
alfred Amanda Ameline careen daniel Farhan Gen Hasanah Jeanette kelvin nadhirah nicholas Rachel renny stephanie sufyan syafiq vera veronice wen long Yu Qing Zhaoya zong hong Zili Farhan center> |
Saturday, August 30, 2008, 2:40 AM
Happy HAppy! finally bought my elmo's pouch so cute haha...Went to TM today with parents and bought this elmo pouch which i wanted. Thn went to shop around got nothing in the end cos nvr see the things that i like so went for lunch had a drink without eating anything cos not hungry. Thn to NTUC to buy things. Dad bought a slipper, mum a necklace , i bought the pouch and thn also food to replenish our refrigerator today seriously nthing much and also bought english assesment to do during holiday to brush up my english and must pass english for end of year. So now gonna do my holiday hw and finish it by tml maybe? so that i will have one whole week to do my english assesment which i bought in popular today. Elmo's pouch Pass English ByeBye lovee elmo »
Thursday, August 28, 2008, 6:22 AM
There is 2 things which happen. Both are different days and different thing. I think i will start with today. Today had interclass but i nvr play Happy for 3i cos we got first in netball. While waiting for the game to start i wear elin's lensless black frame specs and took some pictures it seems like my brown eyes is so obvious not trying to show off but it is true as u can see in the picture below. Got so excited with the specs and also the inter class ting. Shouted at daniel to ask him not to act shuai but "just" shoot only. He didnt heed our advice but continued to act shuai in the end lost but nvrm it is jus a dumb interclass thing only so not to worry. we also had chemistry lesson today we are testing oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and ammonia gas. Played with bunsen burner and all the chemicals which were given to us by teachers. Mixed and match all the chemicals together to see what kind of colour coordination we will get. Ytd was fun cos we have chemistry lesson also after school we made lots and lots of experiment bout 6-8? Got so many different colours after adding in the chemicals. En ming and i poured some chemical in the drawer and today went back to see the chemical is already dried up and it looks disgusting. So fun lah i also recorded a video on the bubbling of magnesium ribbon and sodium chloride i think i not sure but i know tt this gas produces ammonia gas it is a very smelly gas. me wearing elin's lensless specs acting ?! like teacher? Gold medal for netball Twist with eileen's finger Making of ammonia gas Red litmus paper turns blue after putting at ammonia gas. nice orange crystal like thing. Made of Lead(II) nitrate mixture of chemmicals mixture of another type of chemical silver nitrate white ppt produced?! Lead(II) nitrate lead(II) nitrate copper sulphate donnoe wad is this copper sulphate donnoe wad is this donnoe wad is this also »
Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 2:48 AM
WEE!!! I am back bloggin again. Update you all on the day when we go singing. Have lots of fun and laughter and also many memories. The funny thing is tt on tt day when we are leaving outside was pouring heavily and among the 8 of us only one of them has an umbrella and it is so pathetic can cos so many ppl only one person got umbrella haha. SO we decided to cross one by one. Nobody wan to go first so i volunteered to go first loh. But after we step on the road i was already drench cos my fren nvr hold the umbrella properly and the rain is already on my back! Thn i say i don wan go le i run back to the shelther. In the end i was one of the 3 person running across the road without an umbrella.Haiya! so wet and cold lucky vera pass me back my sweater orelse i will be shivering all the way back to tampines haha...okay done updating for tt day now is today. Today nthing much happen still de same with the "i don't play dog game with you Weeweeewee", miss lau go some language problem and also pronouciation problem funny can thn she laugh until her whole face red. Today seriously boring during physics, almost fell asleep during tt lesson and my eye is also irritating me i could not even open my eyes properly i think i put my contact len wrongly and is very painful. After school straight away went to take the lens off my eyes cos it is like so painful and tears keep flowing out of my eye, it is also red. So soothing after i take out my contact lens and cannot really see clearly but it is okay cos there is no study program WEE!!! went home after tt thn start to do Amaths i cant do qns 6 arh!!! so hard. later gonna do some english compre which i bought to buck up my english standard cos i know my english is lousy and is working hard for english. I MUST TELL MYSELF I WILL PASS ENGLISH AND GO SEC 4 EXPRESS. working hard in progress byebye lovee elmo »
Saturday, August 23, 2008, 1:38 AM
HI! i am back~! went pasir ris park this morning for NPCC outing planned by sec 3's so boring and tired cos have to run here and hide and run there and hide station is interesting u know why cos it is called "MORSECODE" we make it hard for the cadets by asking only sec 1 to solve for the clue given and only after 8 mins the sec 2 thn can help sec 1...When they hear this rule they were like HUH!? etc... i also took some lame pics of me posing on a grass patch i actualy took tt pic cos i was singing the song "Bet On It" by zac efron funny la...i also act as superman, and also squatted on the grass patch for fun... After all the groups finished i took a picture at the cable swing was so fun can.thn packed up and off we go. While walking received call and have to go to the swamp there but we kind of almost lost our way in the swamp cos it is like so many T-junction and we donnoe which one to go to.luckily we found our way out by thn we were like so tired already cos only 3 of us and we are carrying heavy things. We slack at the last station had lunch, played at the last station, and off we go to changi chapel. CHangi chapel is for the memorial of the dead during WWII so nice in there although i went b4. the fun part is when we went in the cell it is like so small and imagine u have to cramp bout 20 plus ppl? or maybe more. too bad i did not take a pic of it. When we went out zarruq went to on the switch and he heard the sound "hello". when we were outside thn he tell us tt the cell got sensor thn if we touch the sensor the sound of alot of ppl will be played so we went in again. i was really scared and noone dares to sit at the far end of the cell luckily quraishi was beside me and i can see tt he is also scared cos he is the last person. so we waited for the souund but nthing and so we rush out of the cell. Zarruq scared us by closing the cell door i was like shocked cos it sounds like the door is locked and will not be able to open. After changi chapel we went to school and was dismiss home and tada here i am blogging already tomorrow will go sing K with Frens... nadira, me , ernie in swamp Ants colonies Don look like "Bet On It" CHEESE!!~~~ SUPERMAN!!! I donoe wad ernie is doing? CABLE SWING WEE!!~ byebye lovee elmo »
Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 6:46 AM
Pass all subjects with high marks also no use cos fail english overall fail what! english and is starting to worry how the hell am i suppose to go sec 4 express if i keep failing my english. If the final yr exam paper is so diffcult i think i will drop to NA liao tt is what i don wan. I must work hard for end of year exam. So stress after seeing my english result got 18/40 2 more marks i can pass the paper but teacher just cant find the 2 marks haiyo....pathetic only 11 ppl pass and the rest fail can u imagine if nxt year all the ppl who fail english go to NA. lucky pass A math, Emath, chem, physic. among the 5 passes for chem i am one of them glad tt i pass my chem cos it is quite a difficult paper for me and for the rest there is even ppl getting 2/25 for chem?! what?! they nvr learn or don understand and don bother to ask. HAppy for Amaths cos finally i pass Amath and also get a B grade for tt. Emath is also easy for me and i got the highest in class but nthing to be proud of cos i fail english means everything fail so whats the point of being happy over these grades. today is also chinese test the comprehension is like so hard la! i don understand the qns but i tried. after the test i was like so bored so i drew a pic of sureen which turn out to be very ugly sureen also drew my face and quite cute haha...tts the end of todays story. WORK HARD FOR ENGLISH EOY byebye lovee elmo »
Saturday, August 16, 2008, 9:42 PM
hi ppl i am back from my keylong in pain cos got sunburn . so fun this is my first time going to keylong for fishing and also overnight. went on saturday morning bout one and a half hour we reached our keylong by de lousiest boat in singapore. The view of the keylong from far is nice when we reach it is like hmm...a normal wooden house but bigger ?! the stairs and the planks all are so scary cos u nvr know whether u will drop into the sea and get stung by jellyfish which i saw and is quite big.Put our things and off we go for fishing. Fished bout 3-4 hours sian diao cos no fish, thn we went to the other side of the keylong and saw many fishes and quickly toss our fish line. There was this little vibration tt u can feel when u are holding onto ur rod. It feels likee something caught ur rod and is nibbling at it thn i pulled it up WA!!!got fish My FIRST FISH IS A BIG ONE and later on all are small fishes which i will throw them away. The funny thing is when i caught a fish i don dare to removed the hook from it not even touch the fish cos it is disgusting. i caught alot of fishes and it is fun cos u will nvr stop having a fish hook onto ur bait. we had seafood for dinner and the food is not what we caught is the owner of the keylong caught the fish and they cooked it for us. Before we have our dinner the owner of the keylong open one of the wooden plank in the keylong and fished out a red garouper(donnoe how to spell) it was like so big can he jus use a hook put a piece of dead fish and throw the fishing line down and not even 5 secs he caught the fish and he cooked the fish he caught as our dinner. after dinner the war started with sotongs but too bad there is no sotong in tt stupid sea cos the sotong don eat wad we throw haha...i waited and waited till bout 11plus when one of the uncle caught something he reeled it up and it is an eel which commited suicide itself by tangling his head on the fishing line . they cannot take the hook our of the eel as it will waste a lot of time so they cut the line. They were also afraid tt the eel might bite them haha thn they use a scissors and poke the eel hard a few times the eel start to roll like a snake and eventually it died i didn't get to video clip it cos i was to engrossed at the eel. The weather was calm it was very cooling at night and also very cold till i keep going to the toilet. slept around 12 plus thn woke up at 7plus, eat breakfast crab porridge very delicious it has a lot of seafood in it also after breakfast picture with the rising sun and take a last good look of the keylong and the environment. Oh! important thing and funny is nvr let a dog out of the door. there was this 2 dogs just behind a keylong on a floating thing they came to our "room" with no doors only curtains which looks like it is going to fall. they took someone's bread and eat it! haha...i was the one who saw it first and ran after the 2 naughty dogs.Thn i told my mother and thn the uncle whose bread was being stolen by the dog they were like aiya nvrm la maybe the dog are hungry. thn one of the uncle went to lock the door and hit the dog on his head once and carried on fishing was funny. i think it is a fun experience to go keylong maybe u all can try going there for about 2 days or 1 cos if 4 days u will be bored stiff cos u only can see the sea and the mountains opposite etc.... eel commited suicide me taking pic wif rising sun the floating thing i said earlier the first big fish picture of me at keylong fishes that we caught in just one afternoon below this are fishes in a net tt they will take it to eat or to sell them to the market. byebye lovee elmo »
Friday, August 15, 2008, 1:27 AM
Now i am full of anger and is blogging this thing in school com lab 3. Let me tell u the CIs CAME! when they said tt they will not be coming today cos we are only helping out for the set up of the booth for tml GIFT carnival held in school. They came and ask all of us to fall in somemore i am in the 3rd floor and have to run down ton the Dnt Block to fall in.They ask us who gave permission to put our bags in the NPCC room we said tt it was MR chew who let us use the room. Somemore today suppose to be no training and we came to help out for tml carnival. AH!!! so angry la can. thn they throw our bag on the floor anyhow and "SPECIALLY" made a big words to say tt" no cadets are allowed to enter the npcc room if failed to do so will be dealt with seriously." WA!!!!!!!F***loh thn we gossiped bout them in the com lab. although we have finish our work we still do not wan to go down cos we know tt we will be punished by the F*****CIs who think tt they are very big, they can even not listen to the teacher and they jus do the things they want to do to us. THey stilll haven given us back our ranks. i have this planned tt i will quit the NPCC if they nvr give us back the rank lastest by final year or if they nvr promote us. I can write so much because i am so angry now and i do not wish to go down to see THE THREE F****faces of them. I seriously think tt the teacher officer no use sia. wadever they say is not treated seriously by the CIs. Ahh...okay i think i will stop here and think of something happy cos tml going to keylong to fish and will not come to help out tml for the GIFT thing and also no need to see their F****face. byebye lovee elmo »
Thursday, August 14, 2008, 1:37 AM
2 more days and i will be off to my fishing trip. I will update my blog again on sunday when i come back from my fishing trip. So keep reading my blog. today was chem and physics paper. wa! the chemistry so difficult loh i don understand wad the qns saying but i ask kallista beside me during exam(she also ask me) . so fun loh like so secretly asking for answers during exam. chinese lesson is also fun today cos we teach mdm xiong english. we ask her to say NU LI in chinese she said hard work without the sound "k"at the i tell her not like tt is HARD WOR"K". She pronounce a few times wrongly thn she say HARD WORkted, so funny her pronounciation, i ask her whether she has a car or not she said no and also say she dont like car. I tell her huh?! u dont like kah? u don like ur leg arh. SHe got so confused and say HUH?! car bu shi che mah wei shen me shi jiao? thn i tell her KAH is hokkien hehe...she said wa ni men yi xia zhi jiang hua yu yi xia zhi jiang hokkien hen luan leh. I tell her cos this is SINGLISH mah so must mix the language. I also tell her tt tml no exam thn she really believe and ask us to bring the chinese paper she gave to us tml. thn everyone in class shouted say tml got exam. thn she say wa ni men pian wo...hen huai dan leh. HAHa...thn after tt got meeting for CCA, tml go cca boring. byebye lovee elmo »
Monday, August 11, 2008, 2:32 AM
ytd was my grandma bday as i also mentioned in my post ytd. i went to east coast and thn i stand on the breakwater and i look down the sea i find it so cool so i took a picture and it is also windy at tt time. actually i also donnoe why i stood up there at first maybe because i got nthing better to do so i stand there to enjoy the dirty sea of singapore. thn later i look at the beach the waves is like so nice and i also took a pic of the waves hitting the beach.thn suddenly i thought of geog aiyo! everything regarding the sea or wadever can link to geog. so ppl u should know how important geog is cos it is all around the place. anyway the food at the seafood restaurant i eat is so sucky la the service sucks its like u call for 8 mantou they take a long long long time to give thn after finishing the mantou and also everything another round of mantou came we were like huh?! we finish our crab already thn ur mantou come. The waiter take back the mantou and counted in our bill we were like so angry la c'mon if you order only once and it came the second time but the second time we didnt eat and he apologised and said wrong table and he counted the money for the mantou on our bill! wad the...there was this funny thing also. we ordered tie ban dou fu. usually the tie ban dou fu we eat is with egg as the base but the tie ban dou fu there is totally different, when the food came we ask howcome no egg as the base. The person said tt we nvr ask them to put the egg lol?! so we were like huh?! u nvr say u got 2 kinds of tie ban dou fu, in the end we ask him to put and egg . wow! let me tell u the service sucks.... there will be no more next time for us to go to that seafood restaurant to eat anymore. AH!!! i saw the promotion of bio essence at tampines mall on TV luckily don have my face cos tt was de day i saw li zi hehex... byebye lovee elmo »
Sunday, August 10, 2008, 2:17 AM
common test nxt tuesday, so mus study hard especially for english and all the subjects also mus study hard orelse cannot go sec 4 tt is what i fear the most for sec 3, cos my english has not been good since sec 1 mus buck up my english my uncle ask me to read straits time to improve my english but the thing is tt i jus lazy to read and even if i read i only read the headlines and not everything. anyway don care just pass my english and all the subjects can le. but must make sure i pass my humanities and all the other subjects i wouldn't mind if i get C6 for my humanities but the rest of my subject must get al least B4 or B3. now going out to East coast to celebrate my grandma's bday CHAO ppl byebye lovee elmo »
Saturday, August 9, 2008, 12:30 AM
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY.... today is national day many ppl coming my house to see fireworks, i am waiting for them to come and now only 1 family has come and the rest i am still waiting for them to come while blogging now. randomly summarising wad i did in the morning and afternoon. morning went to tution with the same ppl study emaths, thn actually wanted to go play pool at safra wif daniel and zong hong but too bad not enough money to play haha cos left a few tiny cents in my wallet. so went home straight after tution was so damn hungry lucky got breakfast YUMMY!. after breakfast went to changi village to buy fishing stuff with my parents, nxt week going to keylong to fish so has to buy some fishing stuff and also bought 2 muffins, as they look really tempting . went home after tt. also looking forward to the national day celebration on tv later on. okay i stop here cos i have nothing more to blog maybe will blog tml. byebye lovee elmo »
Thursday, August 7, 2008, 5:25 AM
Amaths today is so hard arh!!...i think i am gonna fail my amath again haix...learn already still cannot do so disappointed. Anyway have to wait for the result and will be hoping for the best thn. today miss lau was so funny cos we kept askin her the same qns and she got fed up and said" i dont knowww". very funny loh first time hear her talk like tt. sophyan also very funny i keep calling him candy floss thn he got "angry" and he said dont friend me like a primary school kid so cute loh.but in the end he was only jking with me. jeanette is also another joker. we were sitting on the bench outside AVA room. jeanette was like sitting infront of me using her phone, thn i received a sms, guess who it is JEANETTE she said hello! how are you? haha thn i replied her also. so lame can?! thn in the morning after doing my duty i walk around the school and chat with dayang and kaori we cracked joke especially me and dayang just to satisfy kaori as she ask us to crack jokes. we made her laugh and also we can even crack things like rocks which looks like brain and whose brain those rocks belong to and etc...i also irritated dayang and she hit me haha...So fun to irritate dayang.WEE!!! tomorrow NDP boring have to stand at the flagpole there for about 40mins like tt. my job is only to raise the flag and thats it, isn't it slack enough. okay i will stop here thn till nxt time. byebye lovee elmo »
Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 2:04 AM
HELLO! firstly i have been teasing daniel bout his shyness funny can! when he talk to us he talk normally without stuttering but when he talk to our tution teacher he will like em!arh!em!arh! haha...i started teasin him ytd night after tution. today is really tired cos ytd went home around 10 plus cos have to wait for de bus which is so long and nvr do my geog hw. During recess BIG THING HAPPEN!but i donnoe shld i say it on de blog, i think i would not want to talk bout this anyway it is massive blow for someone O.o, sophyan was like so funny he keep telling me "wa! today got sun" thn i will tell him ya got sun means got sahara, thn anwar will also add in de sahara thing, i also said a new one sophyan openly date with sahara and secretly date with shahidah(i think this is how her name spells).anyway wad i say here is not true and i am just joking with him only. thn he was like irritated by me and he will say "irritating sia" his irritating sounds like dating. thn de date with sahara and shahidah thing came out. i also call ricky a noob! cos he bet with me tt my ans for de physics qns is wrong. i tell him if my ans correct i will can him a noob and he say okay, so in de end my ans is definitely correct & he lose haha so i have been calling him noob since ytd during physics... ytd was fun cos atiesha got this new look haha so funny when she pose for the photo. there was also a free period and wad i did was to read Iweekly sponsored by jeanette. after school went to canteen to drink orange juice.YUMMY! thn went to find miss lau to ask Amath qns. okay blog updated cannot talk anymore orelse will not be able to finish my geog hw. byebye! lovee elmo »
Monday, August 4, 2008, 6:06 AM
yo! back again for more updates. today another freaking tired day until now i still haven even do my homework hahax cos i lazy do, let me recaped what happened today...o.o i know i discussed tution dates with zong hong and got conclusion after tt so nthing much to talk bout, gomes lesson do engliish test so nthing much, miss lau lesson do alot of revision exercise (so boring) thn assembly OMG! assembly is so lame, the assembly was like so boring because de NCC(sea) ppl was like dancing on de stage and no offence seriously they look like statue which jus came alive not long ago. thn they were also holding handmade stars and they also played the national day song sang de singapore idol. there was also Q&A session so lame can the qns are so easy la C'MON. OH i suddenly rmb smth, our geog teacher is kind of i donnoe wad to describe she is like so funny. when she is writing on de board we talk so after she finish 1 sec later she say "finish already huh?! can talk somemore ?! OKAY loh i erase the answer cos u all talking already wad means finish copying loh" WA and she really did erase de whole thing i was like almost finishing thn she erase EVERYTHING!. So ridiculous one haiyo...i donnoe whether i wan to do her hw not tml is her sp leh if nvr do she will ask us to go out so should i do or not? let me finish this line and maybe i will do or maybe i will not do. bye bye lovee elmo »
Saturday, August 2, 2008, 4:41 AM
Hello ppl i am back, sorry for not blogging for the past few days cos i am kinda busy for the NDP rehearsal in school and also exams are coming soon. i went to watch a movie wif daniel, bernard, vera, elin, zong hong. We watched the mummy tomb of the dragon emperor it is so nice can. We saw xiong lao shi at the cinema wif her daughter so cute show was nice but not scary at all it is also kinda funny when de skeleton accidentally knock the other skeleton head off and keep saying dui bu qi haha...i also find it funny when the emperor keep cracking himself and thn flame up and he will restore back his face or wadever thing tt hav cracked.after the movie we went into another room to watch another movie we waited so patiently and i was so nervous and scared because i was afraid tt our sit is occupied by someone so whenever i see ppl beside me i would stare at the person till he finds his sit haha...not long later the cinema staff came in i was like more and more nervous as the staff walk towards us luckily he walk pass us. so the movie started and the intro looks more and more familiar LOL! the room we sat in was also playing The mummy, we were all like haix...cos we thought tt we would be lucky enuf to get to watch money not enuf 2 we walk out of the cinema one by one. we also saw 黎姿 and chen li zhen at TM. so excited la to see them there haha got so many pics of 黎姿 u all some of their pic i took. the funny thing was chen li zhen replying to wad daniel say. Daniel say why so black thn chen li zhen heard him saying and she replied huh?! u say me black arh...bernard and i were like ORH!!!daniel...thn daniel ask her to pose for de camera and she cheese after tt he ask her to do funny face she did de piggy face bt daniel did not get tt photo so he ask her to do it again she replied to daniel tt wad type u wan ban gui lian one or wad,u tell me wad kind of pose u wan me to do thn i do for u funny la...when i went home i saw jets making pictures and i took the pictures they made in de sky. there are also fireworks which i jus saw but didnt manage to capture the pic of them haix...anyway this are some pics i took in tm.Enjoy! ![]() i will blog the nxt time bye bye lovee elmo |